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The Santa Shop
Book One in "The Santa Conspiracy"
you are a fan of The Santa Shop, the first book in
Tim Greaton’s “The Santa Conspiracy” series, then you’re sure to
love this extended ending to that first novel. Written for one
of the major Hollywood Studios, this extended ending revisits
Skip Ralstat one year after he and Karen leave picturesque Gray,
Vermont, the birthplace of the Santa movement.
This is NOT a stand-alone novel and should NOT be read until you
have enjoyed The Santa Shop.
“Maine’s Other Author”TM take
you on a rollercoaster ride once again. Come laugh and cry with
the master of emotional stories—Tim Greaton.
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in e-book (all formats) now!
The Santa Shop
Book One in "The Santa Conspiracy"
Skip Ralstat is a man so steeped in grief and
despair that life seems no longer possible. After the death of
his wife and child, Skip blames himself. He has given up his
friends, his job, and even his home. Now, homeless, he survives
on the mean streets of Albany. He knows it can't go on, that
life must end.
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Available in
trade paperback &
e-book now!
From My Cold Young Fingers
Advance Reading Edition |
The sound had barely registered on my
ears when, with a twist and a jerk from a forearm that had
pulled thousands of lobster traps from the briny ocean,
Casey Edd, the highliner of Coldwell Bay, snapped my neck.
My soul fled that accursed house before
my thin body even had time to drop to the floor…
Now dead, Nate is forced to navigate a
place where angels and demons fight for his soul, even as
his surviving younger sister tries to cope with their brutal
past on earth. Will violence and tragedy be their ultimate
end? (See